#StickWithIt When God Is Speaking and You Feel Like Quitting

2:32 PM

Boy oh boy. I knew this study was going to be a challenge in its content, not necessarily in its requirements and now I have hit that point.
Here I am in chapter 5 and I haven't even touched chapter 6 yet though again, like week after week this study is speaking to everything going on in my life. I had no idea which topic to write on this week, but then it kinda just fell in my lap after what I went through this week.

Chapter 5 spoke about naysayers. I am all too familiar with them. I recently came across some this week. I am such a person who just wants to be loved and ACCEPTED. I hate REJECTION. Especially from people I call friends and people I love who say they love me. But when faced with those you care about saying the very thing that would crush your spirit with a few negative words, it all of a sudden feels like a mountain got dropped on top of you. I'm determined to #stickwithit though and not let this bring me down.

There have been soooo many changes in my life this summer. I do believe God directed with all my heart. The negativity increased as I began to truly pursue not just a ho hum obedience because I was supposed to, but a radical obedience because I WANT to. 

Recently I quit one of my three jobs (an 8 hr cut from my 30 hrs a week) at God's leading. I put a two week's notice in after much prayer, time spent with God in His word, and a constant restlessness in my spirit about it. This was a move He has been prompting me to make for a few weeks to learn dependence on Him in my finances. I have struggled with that for many years. 

It's easy to go through life trusting God when your able to provide for yourself. So I did it. I wrote the note. Got a call back asking if I'd like to keep 2 hrs to work from home. Was not expecting that. I took it as a little blessing for my obedience in doing a very hard thing.

Recently my community broke up because our church plant fell apart. This has left many of us to find new churches or make the effort of 40 min drives to church every Sunday. Something I just didn't feel at peace with doing when I had no openings for ministry there to use any gifts I have. 

I have prayed for weeks that God would put me somewhere where my natural gifts could be used. He lead me to a church with a denomination way out of my comfort zone but again, I knew I was lead there for a purpose and a reason. So I responded. I received negative feedback from some people about the denomination and that I was leaving my community. 

Yet, isn't the church of God no matter where they are, our community? These are Bible believing Christians I was lead to. I decided to #stickwithit even when being faced with rejection and negativity. After a few weeks of attending I was asked by the pastor if I played anything and if I sang. 

They lost their entire praise band and were just barely getting by with what they had. I was invited to join their praise band and this week had my first practice. Not ONLY that...on Sunday they announced needing help with their communications department if anyone was willing or felt called to serve in that way. The service happens to be along the same lines of what I was doing with the job I resigned. In other words, my talents and gifts could be used.

Though I may be losing friends or their confidence in me, though I may be stepping in places some may never step because it's too fearful and uncertain, I know I am doing the right thing by #stickingwithit. Being radically obedient and listening to the voice of God through biblical means and prayer. 

I would never write something like this if I wasn't certain I was on the right path. I just can't wait to see what adventures God still has ahead and where all this is going to end up. He's equipping me specifically in these areas, and giving me even more experience in things that I enjoy so much. I am truly blessed and you are too. :)

More in this series:

With love and compassion,


Certified Identity and Trauma Informed Life Coach | Author | Speaker

Rebekah is the founder of "Scripture Prescriptions Ministries". She speaks and writes on faith, discipleship, autism, neurodivergence, mental health, social issues, and at times politics.
She is helping people heal from church and faith hurt, relationships, negative generational patterns, grief, and more, aiming to restore joy through life coaching, discipleship, and community building. ♥️

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  1. You go girl! Sticking with it is very difficult at times but when we do the rewards are out of this world! God bless you! thank you for sharing! {{{hugs}}}

  2. Amen! Sister! On the church of God being our community no matter what title they use at the end kind of thing! LOVED that insight! What I love is how you know each thing if God leading you to where He needs you to be!! LOVED it!!!

  3. Hello Rebekah. Thanks so much for linking up to the hop today. It's so awesome to see how God is working in those who are saying yes to Him - yourself included. You wrote: "The negativity increased as I began to truly pursue not just a ho hum obedience because I was supposed to, but a radical obedience because I WANT to." I love that! And so true too. Can't wait to see what He has in store for you next!
    Blessings, Katrina Wylie (FB Small Group Leader)

  4. Amazing testament to what God can do when you obey :)

  5. Thank you for all the comments ladies! I truly appreciate it. :)


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