
Showing posts from November, 2014

Thankfulness in Simplicity

It's Thanksgiving day and 1 day till the infamous Black Friday across the nation. That ironic time between a day of expressed thankfulness surrounded by family and friends and the day where outrageous stories are told of people trampling over one another for the latest and greatest items on the shelves. Some even leaving their moments of thankfulness early to jump at door busting deals that lure us in like fish to bait. The ad leaking of stores all over has been invading my email inbox. I am signed up for something called Brad Deals, emails that get delivered to my inbox to keep me informed on the latest deals year around just in case I ever need something for myself or as a gift and can frugally find it for less.  This lets someone else do the research for me thus avoiding the wasting of precious time. I'm always a deal hunter and will hardly ever buy anything full price if I can help it.  There are several things we have realized we need. Practical items, not necessarily
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Fictitious Ideals: A Letter To Dreamers of Marriage

This is directed mostly towards Christian single women and Christian single men. Trust me this is for your benefit too. :) Married people, do share with your single friends and family if you're so inclined. Anyone else, this is from the perspective of my faith. I'm sure others have written on this topic, but it's helpful to throw one more in the mix as this subject needs to be pounded out. For years now I have watched my generation wade through the pools of relationship struggles. Some examples are the challenge of finding "the one". They just seem to not exist right? Or living life waiting for the "the one" to come along. This could look like staying at home or living a full single life of busyness till you run into "the one" when you least expect it! It could also be in the form of being criticized of the choice you made for a spouse when you finally get around to either finding one or choosing one!  Not everyone is meant to be

Cooking Up Experiments!: Saving the Produce!

I am here to tell you that something heart wrenching happened this week. I lost my produce as in most of it (the ones I didn't freeze) spoiled. :( Maybe it's a first world problem and there are bigger things to grieve over out there. I do put such passion into what I try and do. I invest my time and energy into it so when it all goes to waste, it is devastating. A friend once dubbed me "Rebekah Ann with an E"(my middle name is Josann) from Anne of Green Gables for my dramatic flares. Hmm maybe there's truth to that... How it occurred is when I came home, after I chopped, blanched, sorted, and froze the freezable produce (See: Cooking up Experiments: Freezing the Freezables ) , I stored the remaining vegetables and fruit: A cucumber in the fridge, apples, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. What I did not realize is that there are rules to storing vegetables and fruit! By gollee! One morning about a week later (Yes only a week), I wake up to discover my tomatoes h